Butler County United Way

Butler County United Way



About Us


To unite our community and maximize resources to build a stronger Butler County.

We will be the trusted community partner leading impactful change for human service needs in Butler County.

Community...Being involved and connected in the community as advocates addressing social needs, enables us to work united in knowing and understanding the passions and needs of Butler County.

Leadership...Being a stable leader means we're in it for the long haul; we're always transparent and accountable which helps us stay focused on continually making progress to a brighter future.

Honest and Trustworthy...Being honest and trustworthy impacts everything we do and are working to accomplish.

Passion...Being passionate about our mission and the work we do on a daily basis helps unite our community and maximize resources to build a stronger Butler County.


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Rep/Contact Info

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Amanda Burns
Director of Campaigns & Volunteers
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Pamela Cottle
President and CEO
Ashlyn Irons
Marketing Manager
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Kimberly Whitton
Community Impact Manager

Printed courtesy of www.hamilton-ohio.com – Contact the Greater Hamilton Chamber of Commerce for more information.
201 Dayton Street, Hamilton, OH 45011 – (513) 844-1500 – jason@hamilton-ohio.com

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