COVID-19 Recovery Updates
This page is dedicated to providing businesses with the most up-to-date information and resources regarding COVID-19 and the business community. Please Contact Dan Bates, President/CEO, via cell # (267) 249-9649 with any questions. -
Important Contact information:State of Ohio: coronavirus.ohio.gov or 1-833-4-ASK-ODH
Find your local HEALTH Department
SBA programs for the coronavirus, www.sba.gov/coronavirus
Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Reporting Portal civilrights.justice.gov/Federal programs, visit www.usa.gov/coronaviruswww.gobierno.usa.gov/espanol (en Español).
Employers and Job Seekers:
State of Ohio https://jobsearch.ohio.gov/wps/portal/gov/jobsearch/home
Butler County - OhioMeans Jobs | Butler County: ohiomeansjobs.com/butlerFEMA with questions/concerns: Fema-nrcc-nbeoc@fema.dhs.gov
Department of Justice’s new Civil Rights Reporting Portal civilrights.justice.gov/
Explore Hamilton Promotion
The Greater Hamilton Chamber is promoting all bars, restaurants, retail, gift & specialty shops, service industry businesses and Arts, parks & recreation at www.hamilton-ohio.com/explore-hamilton. If your business would like to be listed on that page, please complete the Business Promotion Form HERE! -
U.S. Department of Labor | January 6, 2021
U.S. Department of Labor Announces Final Rule to Clarify Independent Contractor Status Under the Fair Labor Standards Act
WASHINGTON, DC – The U.S. Department of Labor today announced a final rule clarifying the standard for employee versus independent contractor status under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).
“This rule brings long-needed clarity for American workers and employers,” said U.S. Secretary of Labor Eugene Scalia. “Sharpening the test to determine who is an independent contractor under the Fair Labor Standards Act makes it easier to identify employees covered by the Act, while recognizing and respecting the entrepreneurial spirit of workers who choose to pursue the freedom associated with being an independent contractor.”
“Streamlining and clarifying the test to identify independent contractors will reduce worker misclassification, reduce litigation, increase efficiency, and increase job satisfaction and flexibility,” said Wage and Hour Division Administrator Cheryl Stanton. “The rule we announced today continues our work to simplify the compliance landscape for businesses and to improve conditions for workers. The real-life examples included in the rule provide even greater clarity for the workforce.”
The Final Rule includes the following clarifications:
- Reaffirms an “economic reality” test to determine whether an individual is in business for him or herself (independent contractor) or is economically dependent on a potential employer for work (FLSA employee).
- Identifies and explains two “core factors” that are most probative to the question of whether a worker is economically dependent on someone else’s business or is in business for him or herself:
- The nature and degree of control over the work.
- The worker’s opportunity for profit or loss based on initiative and/or investment.
- Identifies three other factors that may serve as additional guideposts in the analysis, particularly when the two core factors do not point to the same classification. The factors are:
- The amount of skill required for the work.
- The degree of permanence of the working relationship between the worker and the potential employer.
- Whether the work is part of an integrated unit of production.
- The actual practice of the worker and the potential employer is more relevant than what may be contractually or theoretically possible.
- Provides six fact-specific examples applying the factors.
The rule will take effect 60 days after publication on the Federal Register, on March 8, 2021.
WHD’s mission is to promote and achieve compliance with labor standards to protect and enhance the welfare of the Nation’s workforce. WHD enforces federal minimum wage, overtime pay, recordkeeping, and child labor requirements of the FLSA. WHD also enforces the paid sick leave and expanded family and medical leave requirements of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, the Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protection Act, the Employee Polygraph Protection Act, the Family and Medical Leave Act, wage garnishment provisions of the Consumer Credit Protection Act, and a number of employment standards and worker protections as provided in several immigration related statutes. Additionally, WHD administers and enforces the prevailing wage requirements of the Davis Bacon Act and the Service Contract Act and other statutes applicable to Federal contracts for construction and for the provision of goods and services.
The mission of the Department of Labor is to foster, promote, and develop the welfare of the wage earners, job seekers, and retirees of the United States; improve working conditions; advance opportunities for profitable employment; and assure work-related benefits and rights.
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Industry Specific Fact Sheets
Help for Businesses to Navigate COVID-19
What is a COVID-19 Education Specialist?
Public health professionals trained specifically to help businesses provide safe COVID-19 practices that support a healthy local economy, at no cost.
Available services:- on-site consultation on how to minimize the spread;
- assistance complying with state COVID-19 guidelines;
- free COVID-19 safety kit that includes hand sanitizer, gloves, mask, and cleaning materials;
- educational material and signs
How does a business sign-up?
Contact the Butler County General Health District by phone or email.- Email: boh@butlercountyohio.org
- Phone: 513-863-1770
- Be sure to include the business name and contact information
- A COVID-19 Education Specialist will reach out as soon as possible
Help for Businesses to Navigate COVID-19
CARES Act to Provide $10,000 Grants to Help Small Businesses
Due to the effects of COVID-19, we feel it’s important now more than ever to keep you up-to-date on grants that can aid your business.
Governor Mike DeWine designated up to $125 million of funding from the federal CARES Act to provide $10,000 grants to help small businesses through the current crisis. The Small Business Relief Grant (SBRG) is designed to provide relief to Ohio for-profit businesses that have no more than 25 employees.
Don’t Miss These Grants Before it’s too Late. This program will begin accepting applications on November 2, 2020 and will be administered by the Ohio Development Services Agency. Click here for more information.
If you have additional questions, please contact your Kirsch CPA relationship manager at (513) 858-6040.
Ohio Small Business Relief Grant | kirschcpa.com
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SBA & Treasury announce simpler PPP forgiveness applications for loans less than $50,000
SBA & Treasury announce simpler PPP forgiveness applications for loans less than $50,000The goal of the new application is to streamline the PPP process and allow lenders to process forgiveness more quickly. Click the corresponding buttons for details.
Forgiveness IFR
PPP FAQ Document Updated
The online FAQ has been updated to include the following:
Q52 - The Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act of 2020 (Flexibility Act) extended the deferral period for borrower payments of principal interest and fees on all PPP loans to the date that SBA remits the borrower's loan forgiveness amount to the lender (or, if the borrower does not apply for loan forgiveness, 10 months after the end of the borrower's loan forgiveness covered period). Previously, the deferral period could end after 6 months. Are lenders and borrowers required to modify promissory notes used for PPP loans to reflect the extended deferral period?
A - The extension of the deferral period under the Flexibility Act automatically applies to all PPP loans. Lenders are required to give immediate effect to the statutory extension and should notify borrowers of the change to the deferral period. SBA does not require a formal modification to the promissory note. A modification of a promissory note to reflect the required statutory deferral period under the Flexibility Act will have no effect on the SBA's guarantee of a PPP loan.
Click below for the full FAQ for Lenders & Borrowers.
Forgiveness Platform Reminders
The SBA Office of Capital Access sent a letter via the PPP Forgiveness Platform Oct. 6 reminding lenders that to ensure successful payment processing they will need to:
- Recheck institution settings within the PPP Forgiveness Platform (e.g. Distribution List for Email Notifications, Routing and Account Number and Interest Accrual Method Selection).
- Perform a final check of submitted forgiveness decisions to ensure the Forgiveness Amount in the Platform matches records. As a reminder, the Platform does not accept or support corrections after payment remittance by SBA.
- Confirm institution’s interest accrual method. Unless SBA is notified otherwise, the interest rate for Loan Forgiveness payments is simple interest at 1% using the “Bank Method” – 360/365. If your institution used the “Stated Method” (365/365) or compound interest, please make this selection within the platform under Institution settings. All questions can be directed to help@ussbaforgiveness.com
Additional information on the forgiveness process, including relevant Procedural Notices, IFRs, and other CARES Act and PPP resources, as well as instructions for authorizing accounts and submitting forgiveness decisions in the Platform can be found in the Lender User Guide and platform videos below.
Free Printable Posters and Signs
CLICK HERE for FREE printable posters and signs for Small Businesses and organizations
As Trump’s payroll tax holiday kicks in, here’s what employers and employees need to know
August 31, 2020 10:00 PM EDT
Employers are down to the wire to decide if they want to opt in to President Trump's so-called payroll tax holiday, and tax experts note there's a plethora of possible consequences to deferring the payroll taxes.
Back in early August, Trump issued a memorandum that would allow employers to defer the employee portion of the Social Security tax (that 6.2% per paycheck) for employees making less than $4,000 bi-weekly (or roughly $104,000 per year) from September 1 through December 31 this year. But guidance released by the IRS and Treasury on Friday, just days before the holiday would start taking effect, has many experts skeptical of the scheme.
While not explicitly stated in the guidance, experts believe it's clear employers will be able to opt out of participating—and that most would indeed skew on the conservative side and do just that.
The upshot is that employees could temporarily see bigger checks for the next four months, and the most an employee could theoretically receive back in their paycheck would be roughly $2,232 spread over those four months—which they would have to pay back next year, likely via higher taxes for the first four months. And in that sense, those like Andre Shevchuck, a tax partner at accounting firm BPM, note it may put employers in between a "rock and a hard place": "Saying, 'Well, here’s this opportunity to save a little bit of cash and we’re not going to follow it because it’s complex,’ is not a really good answer," he tells Fortune. But he argues if the employer is able to explain that the holiday really functions as a "very short term no-interest loan," most employees would understand it's likely not worth it, he argues.
Tax experts point out three things for employers to consider now.
It's likely you'll get stuck with the bill
While experts are awaiting more guidance on exactly who is on the hook for paying back the taxes, some experts suggest the big risk with participating in the payroll tax holiday is that the employer would get stuck with the bill come next year. While "It’s the employee’s tax, ... it’s the employer’s responsibility to collect and remit that tax," notes Shevchuck.
Ultimately, those like Christopher Moran, an attorney in the labor and employment practice group at Troutman Pepper, say employers need to consider if the benefits outweigh the risks: "Every little bit [for your employees] helps, I know, but is that significant enough to opt in to this administrative scheme?" However, federal employees may not even have the option to opt out, The Washington Post reported Monday, which would mean they could see even higher taxes for the first four months next year.
The language of the guidance itself is a bit ambiguous, experts note, but since it's the employer's responsibility to withhold and remit the employee's portion of the tax, "It would be the employer’s obligation to deposit anything deferred, so that becomes a potential struggle for them should any of their employees leave, the burden is on them to collect the funds in the coming year," Laura Melville, a manager and CPA at account firm Wiss & Co, tells Fortune.
And failing to pay back those taxes on time is going to cost you. The IRS and Treasury guidance spells out that "interest, penalties, and additions to
tax will begin to accrue on May 1, 2021, with respect to any unpaid Applicable Taxes." Or, in other words, "It would be the typical penalties and interest for not fully properly withholding your payroll taxes," Shevchuck says.It's a 'gamble' that Congress will forgive the taxes
President Trump has stated his intent to have the taxes forgiven, but he would need Congress to do that (and would also likely need to win re-election). And for employers betting on Congress acting to dismiss the tax, it's "speculative but not seemingly likely," Shevchuck believes.
"You are sort of gambling that it’s converted from a deferral to a forgiveness," notes Moran.
In the meantime, the payroll tax holiday is merely a deferral of the taxes, and based on the guidance from the IRS and Treasury, the taxes would have to be paid back ratably from January 1 through April 30, 2021. In that case, "it seems like in one hand, the employee gets the benefit upfront, and they effectively get double taxed on the next four months immediately following the year end," Shevchuck points out.
If many companies do opt in to the holiday, which experts note is unlikely, it "does put pressure on Congress to dismiss the tax, and that would be the only real hope there" for employees, notes Shevchuck.
Employees leaving could be a big problem
For those like Melville, the "biggest complication" for employers would be who is ultimately footed with the bill if an employee leaves during the four month deferral or even at the beginning of next year.
"Collecting it itself is going to be its own complication, but when you add wrinkles in if your employee were to quit or leave sometime during the September through December time period, what does that mean?" says Shevchuck. "The questions that will get posed are going to be, 'Who’s really on the hook for that tax?'" he suggests.
While the IRS guidance notes employers are able to "make arrangements" with employees about paying back taxes, those like Moran are not optimistic these agreements will turn out well for the person paying the check. That arrangement might look something like paying a lump sum, Shevchuck suggests, but Moran argues "in my experience, arrangements to collect money from employees who have departed are inherently problematic."
The bottom line, experts say, is that employers need to weigh the pros and cons of opting in. For Moran, that might mean looking at the salaries of your workforce and who would actually benefit (in other words, who makes $104,000 per year and under), and whether or not your business is in an industry that historically has high employee turnover—If that's the case, "you’re going to have problems," he suggests.
For now, employers may want to have conversations with their employees to make sure they "communicate clearly with the employees that it’s not a tax break, it’s a loan, and making sure they understand it’s complex and something that’s not really vetted out," Shevchuck says. "Those conversations have to be had right now.
Kirsch CPA Group PPP Update
PPP Loan Forgiveness Update
We understand that many PPP borrowers are anxious to get started with the loan forgiveness process for a variety of reasons. Our Covid-19 team has kept completely updated on all guidance issued and stands ready to advise our clients on the forgiveness process at the appropriate time.
PPP lenders have generally taken a cautious approach to the PPP forgiveness process – and for good reason. If proper forgiveness procedures are not followed, the SBA could deny its guarantee and the lender could be left "holding the bag."
On July 23, the SBA issued a procedural notice which outlined the process for lenders to submit forgiveness decisions to the SBA. Lenders will be able to access an SBA platform to submit forgiveness information beginning August 10, 2020. Significantly, the notice stated this date is subject to extension if new legislation requires changes to the system.
There are several pieces of legislation that have been proposed that would significantly impact the PPP loan forgiveness process, allow for additional loans, and expand the definition of covered expenses. A bill introduced by Senator Marco Rubio (Chairperson of the Senate Small Business Committee) would greatly simplify the forgiveness process for the vast majority of PPP borrowers.
Under Rubio's proposal, loans for $150,000 or less would be forgiven by a very simple certification of the borrower. There has been a separate proposal floated to forgive these loans without the need for any forgiveness application. Loans of more than $150,000 but less than $2 million would have an intermediate level application and would have to submit limited information to the lender. For these loans, borrowers would still need to accumulate the required documentation and maintain it for three years.
We emphasize that these are proposals. These provisions may never become law or may look significantly different than these proposals. If these or similar simplification procedures do become law, borrowers could potentially save time, effort, and money. We emphasize again that neither of these current proposals eliminates the need for borrowers to accumulate and maintain required documentation. Work will still be required.
Given the potential impact of these changes and given that the SBA portal will not be open for two weeks, we are encouraging PPP borrowers to remain patient with regards to forgiveness and see what develops over the next several days. We understand there may be unique situations where it will make sense to move the process ahead immediately. We are ready to move forward in those situations.
Please contact your Kirsch CPA relationship manager if you have additional questions.
www.kirschcpa.com | 513-858-6040 | info@kirschcpa.com -
Outsourced Accounting | Strategic Consulting Helping build a strong, solid future for your business.
Who Will Run Your Business After You?
There's nothing like a deadly global pandemic to remind us of our mortality. It's never too soon to begin thinking about what you would like to see happen to your business once you retire or are no longer able to run the company you built. The sooner you begin to plan, the greater the chances you'll reach your goal. Here's a quick overview of how to get started.
FASB Offers Reprieve from Updated Lease and Revenue Recognition Rules
In June, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued guidance that defers the effective dates of the updated standards on leases and revenue recognition rules for certain entities. The FASB has also issued a proposal that, if approved, would defer the updated guidance for long-term insurance contracts. Here are the details, along with a deferral of the credit loss update under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act.
Midyear Tax Planning Ideas for IndividualsSo far, 2020 has been a tumultuous year for many people. What can you do today to possibly lower your federal income tax obligations for 2020? Here are some mid-year tax planning strategies for individual taxpayers to consider in light of recent tax-law changes, current events and potential future events.
New Supreme Court Rulings on Immigration and Discrimination Summon AttentionRecent legal developments in Washington are keeping employment law experts on their toes. And that means employers must also keep abreast of major issues that arise and evolve into legislative changes. Real world impacts will vary from one employer to the next, from none to acute disruption. Here's the latest from the Supreme Court that could change how you interact with employees and job candidates.
Protect Morale by Handling Rumors EffectivelyGossip and innuendo can shake the foundations of even strong organizations. Obviously, your company doesn't want false or hurtful stories spreading through the workplace, but how do you prevent it, especially in light of the current economic downturn due to the coronavirus (COVID-19)? Continue reading to find out how to deal with rumors — and learn why you don't want to institute a broad-based ban on certain workplace conversations.
Minority & Women Business Grant
ODSA's Minority Microenterprise Grant program ($10,000 for covid impacted small businesses) just rolled out a bunch of changes. Most notably, 1) minority or women owned businesses do not need to be MBE/EDGE certified to receive a grant 2) businesses that have received federal support through EIDL or PPP may now apply (they were previously prohibited).
Details are here: https://development.ohio.gov/bs/bs_mmegp.htm
Business | Business Grants, Loans and Tax Credits
Ohio Minority Micro-Enterprise Grant Program
Contact Us
Many Ohio small, minority- and women-owned businesses have been hard hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Ohio Minority Micro-Enterprise Grant Program provides $10,000 in funding to help these companies through the current crisis and set them up for the future.
Applicants must meet the following criteria:
- Must be an Ohio minority or woman-owned business.
- Must have 10 or fewer employees.
- Must have been in operation for at least a year (no startups).
- Must have $500,000 or less in annual revenue.
- Must be a current full-time resident of Ohio and a full-time resident in 2019.
- The business must be located within the State of Ohio.
- Must be current on all State of Ohio taxes.
- Must provide the most recent copy of each document requested for your specific type of business ownership structure:
- Sole Proprietor – 2019 Schedule C and Bank Signature Card, or a letter, on the bank’s letterhead, explaining who has signature authority for the company’s bank accounts.
- Partnerships – 2019 Schedule K-1 and Bank Signature Card, or a letter, on the bank’s letterhead, explaining who has signature authority for the company’s bank accounts.
- Corporation – Stock journal or ledger, 2019 schedule K-1, Bank Signature Card, or a letter, on the bank’s letterhead, explaining who has signature authority for the company’s bank accounts, and management agreements.
- LLC – Unit journal of ledger, 2019 schedule K-1, Bank Signature Card, or a letter, on the bank’s letterhead, explaining who has signature authority for the company’s bank accounts, and management agreements.
Grants will be awarded on first-come, first-served basis.
SBA Procedural Notice Regarding PPP
The purpose of this Notice is to inform Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Lenders of the processes for submitting decisions on PPP borrower loan forgiveness applications to SBA, requesting payment of the forgiveness amount determined by the Lender, SBA loan forgiveness reviews and payment of the loan forgiveness amount determined by SBA.
Click here for the information.
How to Talk About This Moment
The past few months have been especially difficult. Amid a pandemic that has uncovered widespread systemic disparities in our health care system, our nation is also dealing with a growing storm of frustration, sadness and fear over the many other forms of societal injustice and inequality that people are forced to endure on a daily basis.
As we all continue to face these complex issues and reflect on what part we have to play in ensuring everyone is valued, respected and accepted, we wanted to share some helpful resources to help you and the ones you care about understand this critical moment:
- How to talk to our children about racism: Watch this video that features a virtual discussion between prominent leaders in education, child development, and race and equality.
- An activity book for African American families: Click here for information and strategies helpful for children trying to understand and cope with national crises as well as everyday hardships.
- Children’s books: Click here to check out a list of children’s books and other resources that can help us talk to children about race.
Daymond John's 3 questions for every business owner right now After protesters started taking to the streets in all 50 states and around the world two weeks ago, Daymond John convened an open forum with his entire team.
It was a chance for some employees to share their experiences with racism, economic justice, and the police. Others could ask questions without fear of judgment. “For a lot of people, this is heavy on their hearts,” John said on Tuesday during Inc.’s latest Real Talk: Business Reboot webinar. “It opened up a dialogue.”
Listening, John said, is an important step to healing and creating a more inclusive business and community. “Listening is on both sides,” he noted. “We have more in common than we do apart.”
Another major theme from the discussion: figuring out what’s next. John acknowledged that the coming years will be very challenging for many business owners. To deal with that, he said, every founder or business owner should start by taking inventory of what’s in front of them. Then, ask a few key questions:- What can I control?
- Who can I call?
- Who can I collaborate with?
Coronavirus Relief Funding for counties, cities, villages and townships
The Office of Budget and Management (OBM) is now accepting registrations from counties, cities, villages, and townships for Coronavirus Relief Funding so that funds can be quickly disbursed after SB 310 is enacted. The registration portal can be found at https://grants.ohio.gov/fundingopportunities.aspx. Note that each jurisdiction will need a DUNS number to complete the registration. Directions for obtaining a DUNS number along with how to register it in the federal SAM is located at https://grants.ohio.gov/helpfulresources.aspx#helpful-resources-DUNS-SAM-registration.
While the CRF disbursements for cities, villages, and townships will flow from the state through county auditors, OBM considers each local government to be a subrecipient of the state and will structure reporting and monitoring that way; therefore, we need to collect this contact information and have attempted to create a process that is streamlined and easy to use.
In addition, OBM has developed a 42-minute training to provide an overview of grants management for those who are new to managing federal grant funds or for those who would like a refresher. That training can be found at https://grants.ohio.gov/helpfulresources.aspx#helpful-resources-citizen-grant-training. If you would like to maintain a record of your training, you can register through the Ohio Learn system; if you do not need to maintain a record, you can view the training online through YouTube by clicking the direct link.
Please contact the Ohio Grants Partnership team at OBM at grants@obm.ohio.gov with questions.
Katie hegarty
Executive Assistant to the Chief of Staff Central Ohio Regional Liaison
Lt. Governor Jon Husted
office: 614.644.0949 | cell: 614.499.4738
SBA Keys to Recovery Resources
Keys to Recovery
Additional Resources For Small Businesses
The SBA is committed to helping small businesses recover from the economic impact of COVID-19. Additional assistance includes:
- Funding: SBA 7(a), 504 and microloans, on which the SBA is offering Debt Relief; or, SBA Express Bridge Loans.
- Advising: The SBA Resource Partner Network for business resiliency readiness advising and training.
- Tax Relief: IRS information about tax relief for businesses.
- State Resources: Ohio government COVID-19 response and programs
Stay Updated
Continue to get updated information and resources at sba.gov/coronavirus
Follow us on Twitter at @SBAgov or @SBA_Columbus
Subscribe to get email alerts at sba.gov/updates
Governor, Lt. Governor Announce New Funding Opportunities for Ohio Businesses
Click here for details
COVID Loan Questions?Click on the links below for resources:
Have you received your COVID loans yet?
Call or email the SBA directly and receive updates.
Email: disastercustomerservice@sba.gov
Call: 1 (877) 641 8202 or 1 (800) 659 2955 -
Protocols for Reopening Businesses Beginning May 1, 2020
Responsible Restart Ohio
https://coronavirus.ohio.gov/wps/portal/gov/covid-19/responsible-restart-ohio/ -
Ohio Restaurant Promise
Federal program helps more who are jobless. PUA offers benefits to those who traditionally don’t qualify for them -
COVID-19 Update: Pandemic EBT, Additional Services to Reopen, Staying Connected
Questions Businesses Should Ask Themselves
Small Business Overview: COVID-19 Resources. https://ls-info.com/d/nJkyPS
Small Business - Covid-19. https://ls-info.com/d/gZfKNf -
Academy Rental Group - Rental Tents and MoreAs a member of the Greater Hamilton Chamber, we wanted to extend our services and discounted pricing to our fellow chamber members as Ohio starts to open back up for business for any short or long term rental needs.
Over the past few weeks we have been working with hospitals and essential businesses for testing tents, overflow tents, crowd control stanchions and more. With the new regulations surrounding the non-essential business and restaurants during reopening of Ohio, utilizing our products will enable you to seat more guests at your restaurants, extend break-room areas and set up temperature testing as a pre-work check in.
Please contact us at 513-772-1929 or https://academyrentalsinc.com/ and mention that you are a chamber member to receive discounted rates.
Academy Rental Group is a local, family owned event rental company, who has serviced Cincinnati for over 25 years. We offer tents, tables, chairs, pipe and drape stanchions and other rental products.
Federal Emergency Management Agency Information
FEMA released information on considerations in reconstituting operations during the COVID-19 pandemic. To download the entire document in a pdf format, click HERE.
Assistance with SNAP, Medicaid ad CSFP
Shared Harvest Foodbank, located in Fairfield, Ohio; Darke, and Miami counties. The SNAP Outreach team is helping people apply for SNAP, Medicaid, and our CSFP program (for seniors). If you know of any employees from any of the businesses in your area that could benefit from applying for these programs; they can call us at 800-352-3663 or 513-874-0114 to apply over the phone. If any employee contacts us that lives outside of the counties we serve, we will gladly refer them to the correct foodbank. Phone applications typically only take 10-15 minutes. We will submit their application electronically and then follow up to help them through the application process until a decision has been make from their local Job and Family Services.
SNAP is the first line of defense against hunger and can help fill in the gap for people who are waiting for their unemployment benefits to kick in. This program can help a person with reduced work hours and/or loss of job. A person can't make over a certain gross income amount (also depend on size of household) in order to be eligible for SNAP.
List of food pantries according to city in Butler County.
Contact SNAP to apply over the phone along with the COVID-19 updates relating to SNAP.
List of organizations in Butler County that can help your employee
Shared Harvest Foodbank
5901 Dixie Highway, Fairfield, OH 45014-4207
Voice: 513-276-9188
Toll Free: 800-352-3663
www.sharedharvest.org -
Design Responds To a Changing World
The Coronavirus pandemic has changed everything. Its impact on global wellness and the economy has forced organizations in every industry — including our own — to flex and evolve, both in real-time and in the long-term. In this collection of ideas, tips, thoughts, and strategies, we explore how design can play a role in making the world a healthier place.
Gensler - Research & Insight
Non-Traditional Unemployment for Self-Employed and Others Now AvailableOhioans put out of work by the coronavirus pandemic who don’t qualify for traditional unemployment — such as self-employed workers or those making under the state minimum — can start pre-registering Friday for a temporary unemployment program created by the federal CARES Act.
State officials estimated Thursday that 150,000 Ohioans may qualify for the program, called Pandemic Unemployment Assistance. It provides assistance similar to traditional employment for up to 39 weeks, plus an additional $600 a week through July 25. The Ohio Department of Job and Family Services had to create a new system to process these applications outside of the traditional unemployment program. Though people can start applying Friday, payments aren’t expected to begin until mid- May. They will be retroactive to when someone became eligible, as far back as Feb. 2.
To pre-register, visit unemployment.ohio.gov and click on “Get Started Now.” Anyone with questions can call 833-604-0774.
Job Search Ohio for Employers and Job Seekers
Lt. Governor Husted announced that the Governor’s Office of Workforce Transformation has developed a website specifically geared toward matching essential businesses with Ohioans who are able and willing to work as an essential employee during the COVID-19 crisis.Both essential businesses and current job seekers can visit JobSearch.ohio.gov to post and search.
“If you are an employer who performs a critical service, please go to JobSearch.ohio.gov to post your open positions so we can help you fill them,” said Lt. Governor Jon Husted. “If you are a person who can work, please know that there are many who need you to help keep essential services running and we encourage you to do so, even if it's only part time.”
The site features a highly-streamlined interface with only two main links – one for essential businesses, and one for job seekers. Applicants can search through jobs in their area, their region, and the entire state.
Local Job Search Assistance:
OhioMeansJobs | Butler County 4631 Dixie Highway, Fairfield 513-785-6500
The OhioMeansJobs center is open from 7:30 AM- 4:00 PM to assist people who do not have access to internet and need to file for unemployment. -
COVID - 19 Regional Recovery FundButler County United Way and the Hamilton Community Foundation are partnering with United Way of Warren County and the Warren County Foundation to join forces with Greater Cincinnati Foundation (GCF) and United Way of Greater Cincinnati (UWGC). This partnership will create a dedicated source of funding for Butler and Warren Counties to address critical needs in this region related to the coronavirus pandemic, especially for those who will be disproportionately affected, through the COVID19 Regional Response Fund.
Mark Your Calendar