• This page is dedicated to providing businesses with the most up-to-date information and resources regarding COVID-19 and the business community.  Please Contact Dan Bates, President/CEO, via cell # (267) 249-9649 with any questions. Find information from the State of Ohio at: coronavirus.ohio.gov


  • Important Contact information:

    State of Ohio:  coronavirus.ohio.gov  or 1-833-4-ASK-ODH

    Find your local Health Department 

    SBA programs for the coronavirus, www.sba.gov/coronavirus 

    Federal programs, visit www.usa.gov/coronavirus www.gobierno.usa.gov/espanol (en Español).

    Employers and Job Seekers:
    State of Ohio https://jobsearch.ohio.gov/wps/portal/gov/jobsearch/home
    Butler County - OhioMeans Jobs | Butler County ohiomeansjobs.com/butler​

     FEMA with questions/concerns: Fema-nrcc-nbeoc@fema.dhs.gov

    Department of Justice’s new Civil Rights Reporting Portal civilrights.justice.gov/

  • PPE and Sanitizing Supply Resources

  • Services from Jani-King

    Jani-King is known around the world as a top commercial cleaning franchise. At Jani-King of Cincinnati, we truly live up to that title by providing the best cleaning solutions for the Cincinnati area.

    Our franchisees are ready to take on any cleaning challenge and we look forward to providing our clients the best service possible. We realize that every business has special needs and we are happy to provide custom solutions fit for your facility.

    We are offering flexible scheduling and more availability to suit the needs of your business during this time. Call us today to discuss our cleaning and disinfecting services. 513-771-8006


    Getting Your Business Back To Business

    Have you heard of our Electrostatic Spray Application? This process can disperse sporadical contact solution over every surface within a facility, ensuring that the proper dilution and disbursement are consistently and correctly applied.

    The electrostatically-charged mist meets CDC guideline and is EPA approved to kill the COVID-19 virus within one minute of contact.

    Call us today for a free cleaning quote at 513-771-8006 or learn about our services on our website.

    Visit Our Website


  • Local Business With Available PPE:


    KN95 Masks:

    Price: $2.95 ea

    Minimum Order: 5 masks at $14.75

    Description: The multilayer, foldable mask has a filtration efficiency of greater than/equal to 95%. The nose piece fits securely over the bridge of the nose and the ear bands keep the mask secure from shifting during movement.


    Disposable Masks:

    Price: $0.70 ea

    Minimum Order: 50 masks at $35

    Description: The Disposable Protective Surgical Mask is constructed of three layers of non-woven polypropylene with two elastic ear loops. Each mask filters particulate matter down to 2.5 micrometers.


    KaiBosh Disinfectant

    Price: $99.99 per case (case includes 4 gallons)

    Description: KaiBosh is a concentrated no-rinse Hospital Use disinfectant cleaner for COVID-19 (Coronavirus), Norovirus, Bird & Swine Flu and more, that disinfects and cleans in one labor saving step.

    Dilution:2 ounces per gallon, equals 64 gallons of ready to use product in spray bottles

    EPA Designation Info:

    The active ingredient in KaiBosh has been added to the “N” list, which means that KaiBosh is effective in killing the Covid-19 virus. Because KaiBosh itself is not on the list, just the active ingredient (Maquat 64-PD) Below is an explanation of how the two are related:

    • EPA Registration # for KaiBosh = 10324-93-71665
    • EPA Registration # for Maquat 64-PD = 10324-93


    Valley Janitor Supply Co.
    401 S. Third Street, Hamilton, OH 45011
    Phone: 513.863.7322
    Toll Free: 800.743.7058
    Fax: 513.887.4602
    Email: info@valleyjs.com

  • Electrostatic Sprayers and Tablets

    Electrostatic sprayers and tablets from PureTech (https://puretech.co/) that are FDA approved to kill COVID. We have been getting a lot of requests from our clients in both the industrial and hospitality sectors, we would make the products available to everyone. These are the same products being used by Delta, Marriott, Cushman-Wakefield, Plante Fitness, Hyatt, Sodexo, and Lego Land to cover large square footage layouts at under a penny per square foot. 

    Here is a link to how Delta uses this product as well as Marriott:

    Delta: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uF7zgr_Ynhc

    Marriott: https://www.businesstraveller.com/business-travel/2020/04/21/marriott-launches-new-internal-platform-to-promote-hotel-cleanliness/

    Steve Anevski, Upshift CEO |  513-314-2382


    PPE Supply Resource


    During this challenging time, we understand that most businesses will need personal protective equipment for their staff ongoing. For this reason, we would like to connect with you with a trusted supplier with plenty of inventory.  Materials will arrive within 10-14 business days from the time you place your order.  You can use the coupon codes listed below in order to receive discounts that we have negotiated on your behalf.



    Product Name


    List Price

    Discount Price

    Coupon Code

    Unit Cost

    KN95 Masks






    KN95 Masks






    KN95 Masks






    Three-Ply Masks






    Three-Ply Masks




































































    We hope you find this information helpful.  At this time, inventory is not an issue, but we urge you to place orders as soon as possible as this is subject to change.


    Joel Belding

    Principal, Senior Client Executive

    OneDigital | Health and Benefits

  • Local Company Has Front Line Materials Available

    Polymershapes LLC is located in Cincinnati. We are a plastic distributor and fabricator that has been involved in supplying front line materials for the Covid-19 pandemic such as barriers, shields, guarding and plastic face guards. We need area businesses to open but we need even more than that for them to open safely. We also offer custom made barriers and guards that suit an individual businesses needs, since this is not a one size fits all solution. 

    Social CoronaGuard

    Desk Barrier

    Face Shields

    Medical Protection

  • KN95 and 3-Ply Surgical Style Masks Available

    Norwell Sourcing Solutions, has KN95 masks and 3-Ply surgical style masks available for businesses. 


     Details on ordering the masks:


    KN95 Mask - $2.50/ea (includes shipping)

    Surgical Mask - $1.50/ea (includes shipping)

    - Minimum Order Quantity is 500 

    - Delivery is 7-10 business days from PO

    - ACH, credit card and checks are accepted


    Norwell Sourcing Solutions

    Pat Bach; email: patb@norwellsales.comPhone: 937-733-8660

  • Disinfecting and Sterilizing Resources from Local Businesses

    Contact these local businesses:

  • Mark Your Calendar

  • Sustaining Sponsors