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  • Workforce Development

    The Greater Hamilton Chamber of Commerce is your connection to workforce development resources.

    OhioMeansJobs | Butler County:
    OhioMeansJobs | Butler County is the "one-stop" career center for all of your employment and training needs. OhioMeansJobs | Butler County connects employers with job seekers. 
    Find information about Employer Hiring Incentives - Employee On the Job Training reimbursement program

    Workforce Development & Training Programs
    Find out more about the workforce training programs here.

    Find our more about the TechSolve Workforce Training Grant Program for existing workers. 

    Team Damascus - temporary and permanent staffing solutions

    Innovative Labor & Cleaning Services - reliable temporary labor solutions

    Vernise Robinson, CPM, Workforce Development Administrator
    Office of Enterprise Development – Ohio Central School System
    Department of Rehabilition and Corrections
    Connecting businesses to re-entry programs for manufacturing and workforce solutions

    Hamilton Amusement & Hospitality Association (HAHA)
    Hamilton is hopping! This vibrant, friendly community is experiencing strong economic growth and you can be a part of it. Join the fabric of this exciting movement in Hamilton by becoming a team member as a part of the restaurant, bar, hospitality and retail industry. There are flexible part-time positions, full time positions, and long-term career opportunities with some of the most exciting establishments in the industry! Visit the Hiring Portal for applicants to upload resumes for review by local businesses.

    The City of Hamilton Department of Economic Development offers unique advantages to new or growing businesses. Equipped with a variety of business assistance programs, the City of Hamilton works to support local companies with technical assistance and access to a portfolio of financial programs including competitive utility rates, state and local tax incentives, as well as job training programs.
    The City of Hamilton works closely with regional, state, and federal agencies to combine these programs for the greatest benefit to our companies. Our Economic Development Department team will work with you to tailor everything our great city has to offer to fit the needs of your business.



    Safety information from Workers' Compensation and Risk Control360°

    Workforce Investment Board Butler Clermont Warren Counties

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